Advanced Renamer is a completely free program that allows you to rename multiple files and folders at the same time. By configuring the rename methods, you can rename multiple file names at once in different ways. 14 different methods allow you to rename, file properties and creation time at the same time. Files can be copied or moved to a new location based on information contained in the file.
Application interface for folder renaming, batch filename Advanced Renamer
With Advanced Renamer, you can create new filenames by adding, removing, replacing, changing fields, or creating brand new filenames based on the information you already know about the file. Before performing operations on files, you can confirm the output correctly, if you have done the renaming but are not satisfied with the results, you can completely restore the original name. .
Main feature of Advanced Renamer
Rename the image file
Advanced Renamer is a great digital imaging utility for both geeks and beginners. Thumbnail mode allows you to display images directly in file lists giving you maximum control over the renaming process. With this tool, you can rename all your images in a snap.
GPS data
If the image file contains GPS data, you can add the city and country name where the photo was taken. The coordinates are used to look up city, country, and state names from a global database of more than 100,000 cities.
Music files
MP3 music files and other music files often have the wrong name and contain strange characters. With Advanced Renamer, you can change the names of your favorite music files to suitable names using the built-in ID3 function.
Video file
Want to add the video’s codec or resolution to the file’s name? With video tags, you can add various information about video and audio content to file names.
TV show
Add a movie title or air date to a video file containing the TV program after entering display information.
Benefits of Advanced Renamer
- Change the file name to upper or lower case, or the bar to change the first letter of each word.
- Replaces part of filename based on search pattern.
- Change the file read-only attribute.
- Change the file extension.
- Clean up filenames, remove spaces and underscores.
- Copy or move files to another folder. New folder names can be generated from tags or file templates.
- Leave the original name intact if it is difficult to rename a batch.
- Sort music files based on ID3 tag.
- Use EXIF information to categorize image files and organize them in folders.
- Save your presets for later use or send them to friends or colleagues.
- Use Perl Regular Expressions and symbols to replace part of filenames or directory names.
- Add the capture date to jpg / jpeg file names when shooting with digital camera.
- Change the current number in the filename.
- Cut unwanted characters from the beginning and the end of the filename.
- Categorize video files using video tags.
- TV show renaming based on season and episode details.
Instructions for renaming files with Advanced Renamer
Add files
- First you need to add some files to the list. Click on the item Add to add files.
- In the drop-down list select the file and the file open dialog box appears.
- Select the files you want to rename and press Open.
Set up the renaming method
You need to set the file renaming in the left part of the tool named Renaming method list. Click the button Add method and select the method in the window that appears. For example with method New NameYou can build entirely new filenames based on the known information of each individual file.
In New Name, you can write a new name for the file, type “MyFile_
Name change started
- Click Start Batch at the top of the file window.
- In the new window click Rename.
- You should now see a progress bar showing the file renaming progress.
- When the process is finished, you can click OK.
Dang Huong
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