Redundant files, junk files appear a lot during Windows operation, you will waste a portion of hard drive space to store them, and the speed of accessing the hard drive will be poor. Fast Cleaner is a piece of software used to find unnecessary files, then delete them to free up the occupied hard drive.
Fast Cleaner works quite carefully and carefully, the program can distinguish files that can be safely deleted, such as 0-byte empty files, files temporarily used by Windows, files error messages when the system or programs crash, suddenly interrupt … Fast Cleaner removes system files, making sure not to interfere with Windows operating system. Users can leave files that Fast Cleaner only put in question, while the rest of the trash will be moved to Recycle Bin.
The latest version includes the Clean Assistant included, which helps you to clear your Internet cache, cookies, and history list of webpages, and identify some files that Fast Cleaner misses. But perhaps for safety reasons, you will need to choose which files to delete yourself.
According to Youth
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