Surely you have encountered many PDFs of product advertising or posting the entire contents of an extremely thick magazine … that its capacity can exceed 10 MB?
Opening these high-capacity PDFs is considered a “pain” for older computers, transferring it via e-mail is not at all easy and even tools. compress the file the current popularity is not going to work with it.
Currently, it seems the only tool “specialized” in PDF files named “Free PDF Compressor“(FPC) is able to squeeze the size of the PDF file down the most, but the quality of the file is almost unchanged.
FPC is a tool capable of “simplifying” PDF graphics to a degree that the naked eye is barely recognizable. It will filter out and sharpen unnecessary graphic textures in PDF files to reduce the file size to an average of 50% of the original size. The unique point is that when viewing the newly created file, it will feel no different from the original file.
FPC is a very simple program, contains only 1 file and does not require installation. Just double-click the file PDFCompressor.exe (the original application file) is the user interface that will appear -> Click the button “Load“Then find the PDF file to compress -> you can choose the compression level in”Compression Level“Is Defaul, Fastest or Maximum ok -> click the button “Compress“-> name and find a save location for the new file -> finally press”Save“To start the PDF compression process.”
The PDF file compression process takes place quickly or slowly, depending on the size of the original file and the processing power of the computer, but usually not too long. Most compressed files will reduce the size to 40 to 60% of the original file with virtually unchanged quality.
In addition to compressing PDF files, FPC also has the ability to return newly created compressed files to their original state. You just need to navigate to the file you just created and click the button “Decompress“For FPC to create another PDF file with the same quality as the original PDF file.
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