Notepad ++ Also known as Notepad Plus 7.8.9 is a free programming language editor that supports many different programming languages such as: ASP, PHP, Java, C #, Python, Jsp … Editing toolset Notepad ++ It has the advantage of being lightweight, simple and an indispensable tool that all programmers should use.
Download Notepad ++ to support code editing, to support programming
Download Notepad ++
Notepad ++ is an upgraded version with more great features than Windows Notepad. Thanks to Notepad ++, now the editing of the source code and inserting a piece of code are faster and lighter than ever, saving the programmer time and effort. So please download Notepad ++ on computers to compose code quickly and conveniently than ever.
Besides, Notepad Plus Also integrated a number of hot keys to help users can easily work without using the mouse. Notepad ++ also has the function of connecting to a printer for easy text printing. You can download it Notepad ++ Portable to run without any installation.
The main feature of Notepad ++
- Supports most popular programming languages such as: ASP, PHP, Java, C #, Python, Jsp … including to designing CSS from Notepad ++.
- Integrating many functions of a simple editor.
- Highlight markup of command syntax
- Very easy search and replace makes code editing faster.
- Fully customizable GUI user interface: minimal interface (no theme, no plugins, no updates), quickly close 1 tab or multiple tabs, multiple tab lines …
- Mapping files.
- Auto-complete: auto-complete closing bookmarks as soon as the message opens. The mark here includes: {} [] “” ”.
- Open multiple files at the same time (Tab interface).
- WYSIWYG (Printing).
- Zoom in and out.
- Support multi-language environment.
- Bookmark files often work.
After running the program, which language you want to use, just go to the menu Language, choose the language you use.
Changes in the latest Notepad ++
Notepad ++ 7.8.9
The latest Notepad ++ focuses on fixing bugs that exist on version 7.8.8.
- Bug fixes related to Line (line join, split line, delete duplicate line, and sort).
- Fix regression error when jumping line due to command line (-n).
- Fix the color loss error when hovering over the URL after editing any Clickable Link Settings.
- Fixed an issue where you could not click in some cases when scrolling was turned on.
- Fix the Save feature not working in Windows dialog box.
- Fix blinking cursor after double clicking on the search result line.
- Fixed an error where the search result line wasn’t centered when double-clicking the result, in case scrolling was on.
- Fix wrong horizontal scrollbar position after restoring window position.
- Fix the TAB width inconsistent search results window.
Notepad ++ 7.8.8
- Fix accented characters in ANSI file not found in “find in files” and “replace in files” error.
- Added option to upgrade display of special Unicode characters using Scintilla’s DirectWrite technology.
- Fix invisible URL error in dark background.
- Fixed an issue where the focus was not focused on opening a new file.
- Edit the Workspace (Project panel), Folder As Workspace and the focus list of functions after double-clicking any item.
- Add function Ctrl + Backspace to delete words in comboboxes in the File / Replace dialog box.
- Add the function to find all in the selected paragraph.
- Fixed a bug where “” was displayed as an escape sequence in autocomplete.
- Remove Empty Lines command upgrade: allows to limit the range with the active selector.
- Fixed an issue where you could not load projects and files by dragging and dropping.
- Fixed a bug that blocked the mouse pointer to the wrong position after typing TAB.
- Add a confirmation message for the command “Replace all in all opened documents” to avoid PBKAC.
Notepad ++ 7.8.7
- Fixed a new save style dialog box by selecting the file filter on the right and adding automatic extensions.
- Add context menu right-click on the side of the bookmark.
- Add the submenu bullet for the Language and Coding menu hierarchy.
- Displays the original filename of the workspace instead of the Workspace.
- Automatically add file extensions for session and workspace files while saving in new style dialog.
- Fix file reading failed (network error), not detected problem.
- Improved Document Map accuracy.
- Fixed syntax highlighting bug that broke clickable links.
- Fixed an issue where un-attaching current range from Document Map.
- Disabling outdated regex search due to occasional incorrect results (there is a non-UI option available to enable it).
- Fix the project board at startup when opening it with the command line.
- Allows users to ignore *. * When adding filter exclusions only to Find / Replace In Files.
- Updates the Doc transfer icon status for the duplicated documents.
- Assign default keyboard shortcuts CTRL-M to open the bookmarks dialog.
- Fixed blinking of collapsed images in the Find results table.
- Add the number of found files to the Find result output.
- Fix the problem of losing Find / Replace history.
- Fixed the error of deleting Mark in selection mode.
- Fixed auto-complete suggestions with corrected words.

Notepad ++ 7.8.5
- Fix the error “Monitoring” does not detect all file changes.
- Fix regression error disables auto update not working.
- Fix Notepad ++ not exit correctly when restarting Windows 10 update.
- Execute the Count command in the Find dialog box according to the Backward-direction and Wrap-around options.
- The Find dialog box remembers where it is at runtime.
- Add document size columns to the Windows Selection dialog box.
- You can record the “View Current File in (browser)” command macro.
- Added extensive control of the sound for the notification of a failed search in the Find dialog box.

Notepad ++ 7.8.4
- Fixed regression of double-clicking in file result while Word-Wrap enabled.
- Fixed HashFromDlg title bar localization error.
Notepad ++ 7.8.3
- Add options “Expand All”, “Fold All” and “Select / Show current editing file” to Workspace folder.
- Fixed a bug in recovering row position while collapsing document.
- Json syntax highlighting improvements.
- Proceed to fill in the Find dialog box with the selected words.
- Makes the doSaveOrNot dialog box simpler when there is a file to save.
- Fix {[“”]} doesn’t work.
- You can customize cmd cli to open the folder currently contained in cmd.
- Block Updater’s proxy setting when Notepad ++ is not in Admin mode.
- Disable file merge setting when Notepad ++ does not have admin rights.
- Fixed an issue where the “highlight all” option was not kept unchanged.
- Enhanced SQL syntax highlighting (add more than 2 keyword lists).
- Fixed minor buffer error while adding text macro playback.
- Fixed “Close All Unchanged” not working for sub-viewers.
- Eliminate junk display in the Find reduction limit.

Notepad ++ 7.8.1
- Fixed regression dialog box that pops up at startup regarding notepad replacement.
- Create monospace font in Find dialog options, disabled by default.
- Added download progress bar while plugin downloads.
- Fixed Alt + Tab not showing Notepad ++ on Windows 7.
Why use the latest Notepad ++ editor
Notepad ++ allows users to insert or edit text simply and quickly when there is no need to refine the presentation form. Notepad ++ also allows users to connect to a printer to print documents in the easiest and easiest way.
Not only that, but Notepad ++ is more known as a programming language engine. Notepad ++ supports many popular programming languages such as C, C +, Java, … to help users look up commands, report code errors, compile code easily and quickly. Notepad ++ supports many interface languages, including Vietnamese.
Notepad ++ runs smoothly on Windows.
This program also has many of the same features Editplus But there are many better advantages such as the ability to compact the code: the program will display a minus sign (-) before a block of code, when you click this minus sign, it turns into a plus sign (+) and the code block will be collapsed.
In addition, if you need to type Vietnamese above Notepad ++ You just go in Format menu > Encode printed UTF-8 is Vietnamese, it will display correctly 100%.
It is quite interesting Notepad ++ As open source software, if you like and enjoy it, you can completely customize its source code to personalize or write a editor based on it.
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