UltraCompare Professional is a comparison / matcher feature that allows users to track differences between files, folders and ZIP archives! The comparison features include text and binary of 2 or 3 files at the same time as well as allowing the user to pool different compared folders.
Directory comparison supports comparison between local / network directories (same subdirectories with recursive comparison) and ZIP files, users can also include differences between them. . With automatic integration into UltraEdit-32 or UEStudio, UltraCompare Professional is an indispensable tool for all users!

The main feature of UltraCompare Professional
Text comparison features:
- Powerful 3-dimensional text comparison.
- Integrated right-click menu.
- Stream editing and internal concatenation UltraCompare
- Copy / paste selected continuous lines to clipboard
- Copy the frame to clipboard
- The ability to tell the difference between spaces (tabs and spaces)
- Set the value of the number of spaces for the Tab (same as UltraEdit-32 / UEStudio)
- Compares data / column areas
- Option to compare vertical column segments
- The option allows to skip vertical columns
- Bookmark support
- Ability to delete lines from file
- Row comparison of individual files
- Status bar shows line / cluster numbers with offsets
Summary of deviations include:
- Data is in the source but not in the file compare and vice versa
- Character difference between files on the same line
- Command line support
- Ignore options:
- Ignore upper / lower case
- Ignore spaces
- Ignore blank lines
- Line end notation difference
- Lines begin with:
- The lines contain:
- Lines end with:
- Lines begin with:
- A predetermined number of lines at the beginning of the file
- A predetermined number of lines at the end of the file
- EBCDIC comparison support
- Supports double byte comparison
Directory comparison features:
- 3-way directory comparison
- Compare the remote directory (FTP / SFTP) with the local directory
- Compares compressed files
- Compare compressed ZIP files
- Support ZIP file password
- Compare compressed RAR files
- Compares Java JAR archives
- Show 2-side comparison
- Integrated into right mouse menu
- Split screen to preview text in one side when moving from file to file
- Option to compare files by time / date / size only
- Ability (optional) to skip specified folders and file formats
- Ability to set the NOT operator for filters, … like NOT * .bak, …
- Provides live updates (useful when working with large directory trees)
- Favorite folders / files now have access to the most frequently used elements
- View the source / destination folder by right clicking in folder mode
- Compare each directory separately
Directory recursive comparison (including subdirectories):
- Differences include:
- Same name, different capacity
- Same name, different date / time of creation
- File format: binary or ASCII
- Compares 2 directory structures and shows other file permissions
- Ability to choose other files by name and compare
- Ability to right-click on column headers and select regions
Word comparison features:
Quick binary comparison features:
- Binary comparison by byte
- Activate command line order
- Option to display decimal limit instead of hexadecimal
Update UltraCompare v20
UltraCompare v20 Completely new Git integration with improved interface, functionality. The features of repository browsing, conflict handling and version comparison … are all very useful for Git users.

- Fix Git conflicts with the merge tool or launch Resolve conflicts session directly in Ultra Compare. A special 3-way view allows to evaluate the local and remote versions of files in the left / right panel, the mixing results are shown below.
- The latest UltraCompare evaluates the differences between the two Git file versions. You can compare the current version of the file with the index / staged, branch or earlier version. Hover over the side line number to see the editor’s information.
- The Repositories window will list the repositories on the system, including local and remote branches, and a status indicator. This feature helps to check the status of changes, updates, even conflicts (if any) in the archives.
- Browse the file tree by branch in the new Branch window without affecting an existing copy.
- Review quickly changes to the file with Review mode and show the differences.
- Access new functionality on the Git ribbon.
- And many other new and improved features.
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