UniFi – The leading Wi-Fi management system for business
Millions of orders every year in more than 180 countries

More than Wi-Fi
UniFi is rapidly expanding into a full Software-Defined Networking (SDN) solution, integrating seamless network transfer, high performance, and more.

Wi-Fi management system UniFi Includes management software computer network connection UniFi Network Controller, supports most popular operating systems such as Windows, MacOS, Linux. It allows you to expand and manage thousands of UniFi Wi-Fi devices. Design the theme network software This is simple and intuitive so it is extremely easy to use.
Installing UniFi Network Controller
To find the most stable current version of the UniFi Network Controller software, you can go to the page Downloads publisher via the download link below.
Minimum system requirements:
- Operating system:
- Windows 7 or Windows 10 (recommended)
- Windows Server 2008 or 2016 (recommended)
- CPU: x86-x64 processor (Intel / AMD x64 recommended)
- RAM: 2 GB
- 100Mbps Ethernet wired network
- Minimum free hard drive 10GB (20GB or more recommended)
- Java: Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 8
- Web browser: Google Chrome
- MongoDB 3.2 and above
Installing and upgrading UniFi
Note: Before upgrading, you should back up your current activity just in case errors arise.
1. Open the page Downloads.
2. Navigate to the Software section and find the latest Windows entry.
3. Select Download and click “I Accept“if you accept the agreement.
4. Select Download File.
Note: Now, file .exe The download will be located at the selected folder location. The time it takes to complete this process depends on the server throughput over the Internet.
5. Close UniFi by exiting the status window found when clicking the system tray icon.
Note: During this time, the UniFi Network Controller cannot process any queries. Client data will still pass through related devices.
6. Open the file .exe and navigate to the installation guide.
7. After completing the setup guide, you can open the UniFi program.
8. To access the control open the browser window and navigate to:
If the Controller service is running the software will prompt in the form of a web.
9. UniFi Network Controller will run.
General, UniFi is a great Wi-Fi management system for businesses. With the support of UniFi Network Controller and corresponding device firmware, you will have the most optimal and stable WiFi system.
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